This is the tool that helps you to make quicker and better informed tech choices in your media organisation. It gives you an overview of tools that othermedia organisations use and lets you evaluate them at a glance.
The first contributors for this list were members of the Reference Circle, a self-organised network of independent European news publishers. We want this list to grow now in the same collaborative way that we started it.
We invite everyone working in the combined field of tech & journalism to contribute to developing this list further.
You can (by using the buttons below the list or by getting in touch directly):
If you want, we can add you to the list of contributors, so others can contact you, e.g. to ask questions about tools you use in your organisation.
Thank you for working with us!
Below you can find a list of organisations who helped us put the tool list together.
In case they agreed to be contacted you also find contact information. Feel free to use them for leaving a note asking for help or for their evaluation of a tool they use in their organisation.
This is a project by Full Stack Journalism. Funded by Democratie en Media.